

  Kinuyo Yoneya, Satuki Nishimori, Eizi Yano, Kei Yamaguchi, Maturi Tsumoto, Rika Ozawa, Junji Takabayashi, Ikuo Kandori (2024) Olfactory responses of Nesidiocoris tenuis to uninfested or conspecific-infested banker plants and Thrips palmi-infested eggplants. BioControl 69, 19-28.


  Yoneya, K., Miki, T., & Katayama, N. (2023). Plant volatiles and priority effects interactively determined initial community assembly of arthropods on multiple willow species. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e10270. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10270


 Yoneya K, Miki T and Takabayashi J (2023) Initial herbivory and exposure to herbivory-induced volatiles enhance arthropod species richness by diversifying community assemblages. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10:1031664. 


  Yoneya, K., Ushio, M. & Miki, T. (2023) Non-destructive collection and metabarcoding of arthropod environmental DNA remained on a terrestrial plant. Sci Rep 13, 7125 . 


  Masayoshi Uefune, Kinuyo Yoneya, Masaki Yamamoto, Junji Takabayashi (2011) The Use of Synthetic Herbivory-Induced Plant Volatiles That Attract Specialist Parasitoid Wasps, Cotesia vestalis, for Controlling the Incidence of Diamondback Moth Larvae in Open Agricultural Fields. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

  Kengo Yoshida, Masayoshi Uefune, Rika Ozawa, Hiroshi Abe, Yuka Okemoto, Kinuyo Yoneya, Junji Takabayashi (2021) 
Effects of Prohydrojasmon on the Number of Infesting Herbivores and Biomass of Field-Grown Japanese Radish Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science


 Kinuyo Yoneya, Takeshi Miki, Silke Van den Wyngaert, Hans-Peter Grossart, Maiko Kagami (2021) Non-random patterns of chytrid infections on phytoplonkton host cells: mathematical and chemical ecology approaches. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 87:1-15.


● 米谷衣代,中島誠太,矢野 栄二 (2020) 代替餌ブラインシュリンプ耐久卵とワタアブラムシ(カメムシ目:アブラムシ科)に対する飛ばないナミテントウ(コウチュウ目:テントウムシ科)の摂食選好性. 日本応用動物昆虫学会誌第64巻第2号:65-68 


 Junichiro Abe, Masayoshi Uefune, Kinuyo Yoneya, Kaori Shiojiri, Junji Takabayashi (2020) Synchronous Occurrences of the Diamondback Moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and its Parasitoid Wasp Cotesia vestalis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Greenhouses in a Satoyama Area, Environmental Entomology 49:10-14.


● Takeshi Miki, Taichi Yokokawa, Po-Ju Ke, I Fang Hsieh, Chih-hao Hsieh, Tomonori Kume, and Kinuyo Yoneya and KAzuaki Matsui (2018) Statistical recipe for quantifying microbial functional diversity from EcoPlate metabolic profiling. Ecological Research 33(1), 249-260


● Kinuyo Yoneya, Masayoshi Uefune, and Junji Takabayashi (2018) Parasitoid wasps' exposure to host-infested plant volatiles affects their olfactory cognition of host-infested plants. Animal Cognition 21(1):79-86. doi: 10.1007/s10071-017-1141-3. 


Hojun Rim, Masayoshi Uefune, Rika Ozawa, Kinuyo Yoneya, and Junji Takabayashi (2017) Experience of plant infestation by the omnivorous arthropod Nesidiocoris tenuis affects its subsequent responses to preyinfested plant volatiles. Bio Control DOI 10.1007/s10526-017-9791-2


Kinuyo Yoneya and Takeshi Miki (2015) Coevolution of foraging behaviour in herbivores and their natural enemies predicts multifunctionality of herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Functional Ecology 29:451-461. DOI:1111/1365-2435.12398]


Kinuyo Yoneya and Junji Takabayashi (2014) Plant-plant communication mediated by airborne factors: ecological and plant physiological perspectives. Plant Biotechnology 31:409-416.


Kinuyo Yoneya, Soichi Kugimiya, and Junji Takabayashi (2014) Leaf beetle larvae, Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), show decreased performance on uninfested host plants exposed to airborne factors from plants infested by conspecific larvae. Applied Entomology and Zoology 49: 249-253. doi: 10.1007/s13355-013-0243-x.


Kinuyo Yoneya, Yoko Inui, Michihiro Ishihara, and Junji Takabayashi (2013) Herbivore-constructed leaf shelters on Salix eriocarpa shoots affect arthropod communities. Journal of Plant Interactions 9(1):364-369. doi:10.1080/17429145.2013.837973


Kinuyo Yoneya and Junji Takabayashi (2013) Interaction-information networks mediated by plant volatiles: case study on willow trees. Journal of Plant Interactions 8:197-202


Sven Geiselhardt*, Kinuyo Yoneya*, Beatrice Blenn, Navina Drechsler, Jonathan Gershenzon, Reinhard Kunze, Monika Hilker (2013) Egg laying of cabbage white butterfly (Pieris brassicae) on Arabidopsis thaliana affects subsequent performance of the larvae. PLOS ONE 8 (3): e59661. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059661
*The first two authors contribute equally to the study.


米谷衣代 (2013) 植物の香りが媒介する生物間コミュニケーションを紐解く.AROMA RESEARCH 14 (1): 53-57


Kinuyo Yoneya, Masayoshi Uefune, Junji Takabayashi (2012) An apparent trade-off between direct and signal-based induced indirect defense against herbivores in willow trees. PLOS ONE 7(12): e51505. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0051505


I. Beyaert, D. Kopke, J. Stiller, A. Hammerbacher, K. Yoneya, A. Schmidt, J. Gershenzon, M. Hilker (2012) Can insect egg deposition 'warn' a plant of future feeding damage by herbivorous larvae? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 101-108. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0468


竹本裕之・米谷衣代・高林純示 (2011) エコロジカルボラタイルが作り出す生物間相互作用・情報ネットワーク 植物の生長調節 46:37-44.


Kinuyo Yoneya, Rika Ozawa, and Junji Takabayashi (2010) Specialist leaf beetle larvae use volatiles from willow leaves infested by conspecifics for reaggregation in a tree. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36: 671-679.


Kinuyo Yoneya, Soichi Kugimiya, and Junji Takabayashi (2009) Can herbivore-induced plant volatiles inform predatory insect about the most suitable stage of its prey? Physiological Entomology 34: 379-386.


Kinuyo Yoneya, Soichi Kugimiya, and Junji Takabayashi (2009) Do adult leaf beetles (Plagiodera versicolora) discriminate between odors from intact and leaf-beetle-infested willow shoots? Journal of Plant Interactions 4: 125-129.



米谷衣代・高林純示(2016)植物のかおりが媒介する生物間相互作用・情報ネットワークシステムを紐解く(編著:松井健二、高林純示、東原和成、「生きものたちをつなぐ「かおり」~エコロジカルボラタイルズ~」) 第一章2 P25-36


 米谷衣代(2022 植物のにおい成分を利用した害虫管理の可能性.グリーン・エージ 2月号 15-18


米谷衣代(2013 ドイツ・ベルリン滞在記~言葉の壁を越えて~.個体群生態学会会報 70:14-20




● ⽶⾕⾐代, 野外環境での植物の情報化学物質と植物上の動物群集に対する⾮破壊的調査⽅法(植物‐動物間相互作用に関する話題)第37回 個体群生態学会大会, 滋賀県(オンライン), 2021年11月7日,  p16.

●    杉村侑亮,平田まさみ,米谷衣代, ミナミキイロアザミウマやタバコカスミカメが加害したナスの揮発性物質に対する両者の嗅覚反応, 第37回 個体群生態学会大会, 滋賀県(オンライン), 2021年11月6日~11月7日, p40.

●    樫村朗穂(近畿大)、米谷衣代(近畿大)、三木健(龍谷大)(日)森林における節足動物群集のモニタリングのための環境DNAを用いた調査法の開発. 第37回 個体群生態学会大会, 滋賀県(オンライン), 2021年11月6日~11月7日, p41.

●    仲野友太(北海道大)、南雲優哉(北海道大)、米谷衣代(近畿大)、内海俊介(北海道大学FSC)(日)陸生節足動物の多様性は環境DNAでモニタリングできるか:森林再生場への活用. 第37回 個体群生態学会大会, 滋賀県(オンライン), 2021年11月6日~11月7日, p36.

● 嶋本直紀(北海道大)、米谷衣代(近畿大)、内海俊介(北海道大)(日)陸生植食性昆虫の環境DNA検出系の開発:ヤナギルリハムシの摂食実験アプローチ. p42.